Emerson said, “The world exists for the education of each man.”

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A little piece of heaven..

Absolutely love where I live right now.

Pink sky, gentle breeze, sailboats floating on calm waters, man playing windpipes in the background... sigh.

Wish you were here.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Okay, so it's been a while since my last post. Not necessarily because I haven't had anything to share or say, mainly because life has been so busy..

So here's a thought that I have to share with you about nothingness.

I believe that I've mastered the art of nothingness. I appreciate it, I value it, I crave it. When life is incredibly busy and there are a million thoughts racing through my mind every day, with tons of demands, expectations and obligations... nothingness is my peaceful place.

You should try it. It's a beautiful place to be.